Most of Our Performances are FREE TO THE PUBLIC!
We are grateful to the many private and public donors who make this possible. Thank you!
Brock Adler, Judy & John Allen, Claudia & Paul Andreassen, Skip Arthur, Anne Bailey, Brittany Barnard, Suzanne Bennett, Nancy Bernstein, Julie Bittman, Blum Family Fund, Matthew Bockelman, Edith Bolt, Molly Brooks, Alan Bryan & Ann Krupp, Matthew Burd, Toby & Anita Campion, Phyllis E Clark, Diane and Tom Colello, Debi & Ted Conathan, Merle Cosgrove, Michelle Cowing, Michael Doyle & Eleanor Johnson, Frances Dunwell, Tory Ettlinger,
Eric Friedman & Judy Hoyt, Angela Gaffney-Smith, Diane Galusha, Garry & Diane Kvistad, Diane Godfrey, Susan & Richard Goldman, Robin Goss & Dave Minch, Shelley Graham, Mike Harkavy, Thomas Houghton & Sarah Scott, Carole Kaye, Dr. Judith Kerman, Mark King, Lucinda Knaus, Laura Rock Kopczak, Jim Kricker & Jean Whelan, Jessica Kuonen, William Rock & Kathie Lacour, Terry Lagana, Patrick & Anna Landewe, Julian Lines, Molly Mackaman, Quince Marcum, Jean McAvoy, Michael McGuigan, Mary McNamara, Elin Menzies & Debra Moskowitz, Mary Ellen Mietus, Robin Minkoff, John Morano, Ernest Mortuzans, Cathy Muller, Susan J Murphy, Ellen Neilly, Abby Newton, Will Nixon, Maria Oliver, Melissa Ortquist, Joanne Pagano Weber, Josephine Papagni & Shabazz Jackson, Jim Peppler, Lily Piyathaisere, Gail Porter, Catherine & George Puzak, Alex Rappaport, Joan Reinmuth & Daniel Meyers, Christy Rupp, Jed Schmidt & Minja Toeniges, Steve Schnoll, Joel Schuman & Lynne Gilson, Stephen & Lisbeth Shafer, Isabel Soffer, Sae Hoon Sohn, Tom Struzzieri, Susan Murphy & Peter Poccia, Ellen Tarlow, Chuck Thomas, Sarah Underhill, John Wadden & Kristin Dean, Paul Wadden & MeeHey Chang, Bethia Waterman, Wendy Weinburd, Andrea Lynn & Daniel Woodham, Shelley Wyant
Judy & John Allen, Skip Arthur, Suzanne Bennett, Nancy Bernstein, Mimi Bluestone, Betty Boomer, Matthew Burd, Toby & Anita Campion, Diane & Tom Colello, Debi & Ted Conathan, Merle Cosgrove, Michael Doyle, Tory Ettlinger, Kim Estes-Fradis, Susan & Dick, Goldman, Shelley Graham, Betsy Henry, David Hornung, Susannah Kricker & Adam Pretchers, Jonathan Kruk, Jessica Kuonen, Garry & Diane Kvistad, Terry Lagana, Anna Landewe, Julian Lines, Beth Loven, Jean Mcavoy, Michael McGuigan, Kanako & Benjamin Mclaughlin, Elena Mendis, Elin Menzes & Debra Moskowitz, MaryEllen Mietus, Ellen Neilly, Maria Oliver, Melissa Ortquist, Colin Packard, Josephine Papagni & Shabazz Jackson, Gail Porter, Gilda Ricardi, Bill Rock, Laura Rock Kopczak, Jonathan Kruk, Molly Mackaman, Abby Newton, Maria Oliver, Catherine & George Puzak, Gilda Ricardi, Sue Rosenberg, Jody Satriani, Joel Schuman & Lynne Gilson, Rae Stang, Tom Struzzieri, Sarah Underhill, Engin Ural, Paul Wadden, Bethia Waterman, Daniel Woodham, Roseanne Yetzer
2024: Naccarato Insurance, Woodstock Chimes Fund, Stewart's Shops, Price Chopper's Golub Foundation, Town & Country Liquors, Steve Hubbard Real Estate Services, Kiwanis Club of Saugerties , and Ulster Savings Bank.
2023: Cantine’s Island Homeowners Association, Price Chopper’s Golub Foundation, Kiwanis Club of Saugerties, Naccarato Insurance, One Nature LLC, Steve Hubbard Real Estate Services, Stewart’s Shops, Dake Family Fund, Smith Hardware, Town & Country Liquors, The Bruderhof, Ulster Savings Bank, Woodstock Chimes Fund
2022: Price Chopper’s Golub Foundation, Naccarato Insurance, Stewart’s Shops/Dake Family Fund, Town & Country Liquors, Ulster Savings Bank, Woodstock Chimes Fund, Cantine’s Island Cohousing, Kiwanis Club of Saugerties
2021: Price Chopper’s Golub Foundation, Smith Hardware, Naccarato Insurance, Stewart’s Shops/Dake Family Fund, Town & Country Liquors, Central Hudson, Ulster Savings Bank, Woodstock Chimes Fund, Sawyer Savings Bank Cantine’s Island Cohousing, The Bruderhof, Saugerties Kiwanis Club, Esopus Creek Conservacy
2024 - Morgan Almquist- Photography, Laura Avello Graphic Design, William Brinnier - Architect, Eliza Blum – Technology, Deborah Conathan- Administration, Trey Daniels-Construction, Jolanda Jansen, Esq., Dave Minch-Architect, Dock Shuter – Waterfront, Pete Varner – construction management, Lanny Walter, Esq.,
2023: Laura Avello, Tory Ettlinger, Shabazz Jackson, Jolanda Jansen, Dave Minch, Jason Novak, Josephine Papagni, Rae Stang, Zach Swart, Lanny Walter, Esq., Peter Varner
2022: Trey Daniels, Tory Ettlinger, Jolanda Jansen, Dave Minch, Jason Novak, Rae Stang, Zach Swart, Pete Varner
2021: Tory Ettlinger, Lanny Walters
2024: Laura Jane Musser Fund ~ NoVo Foundation ~ Upstate Coalition for a Fair Game ~ Community Foundations of the Hudson Valley ~ Malcolm Gordon Charitable Trust ~ Klock Kingston Foundation ~ Villchur Foundation
2023: Laura Jane Musser Fun, Malcolm Gordon Charitable Trust, NoVo Foundation, Villchur Foundation, Ulster County Community Grants Fund of the Community Foundations of the Hudson Valley, Klock Kingston Foundation, Coalition for a Fair Game, Kiwanis Club of Saugerties
2022: Laura Jane Musser Fund, Malcolm Gordon Charitable Fund, NoVo Foundation, Ulster County Community Grants Fund of the Community Foundations of the Hudson Valley, Villchur Foundation
2021: Malcolm Gordon Charitable Trust, Hudson Valley Foundation for Youth Health, NoVo Foundation, Villchur Foundation , Ulster County Community Grants Fund of the Community Foundations of the Hudson Valley
2024: The State of New York – including NYS DEC’s Hudson River Estuary Program, and NYS Council on the Arts, with support of the Governor and the NYS Legislature; ~ The Maurice D. Hinchey Hudson River Valley National Heritage Area; ~ The County of Ulster’s Ulster County Cultural Services and Promotion Fund, administered by Arts Mid-Hudson;
2023: American Rescue Plan Act, NYS Council on the Arts, NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation, NYS State and Municipal Facilities Program, The County of Ulster’s Ulster County Cultural Services and Promotion Fund administered by Arts Mid-Hudson, NYS DEC's Hudson River Estuary Program
2022: NYS Council on the Arts, NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation, NYC Dept. Environmental Protection, Sullivan County Soil & Water Conservation District, Ulster County Cultural Services & Promotional Fund
2021: NYS Council on the Arts, NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation, Sullivan County Soil & Water Conservation District, Ulster County Cultural Services & Promotional Fund
With Generous Support From:
Government Support:
~The State of New York – including NYS DEC’s Hudson River Estuary Program, and NYS Council on the Arts, with support of the Governor and the NYS Legislature; ~ The Maurice D. Hinchey Hudson River Valley National Heritage Area; ~ The County of Ulster’s Ulster County Cultural Services and Promotion Fund, administered by Arts Mid-Hudson
Business & Civic Sponsors:
Naccarato Insurance, Woodstock Chimes Fund, Stewart's Shops, Price Chopper's Golub Foundation, Town & Country Liquors, Steve Hubbard Real Estate Services, Kiwanis Club of Saugerties , and Ulster Savings Bank
Private Foundations:
Laura Jane Musser Fund ~ NoVo Foundation ~ Upstate Coalition for a Fair Game ~ Community Foundations of the Hudson Valley ~ Malcolm Gordon Charitable Trust ~ Klock Kingston Foundation ~ Villchur Foundation
We thank our generous and numerous Individual Donors.